Mulberry Ravine

Bird Station 

Minnesota and Wisconsin’s wild birds struggle to find the plants, insects, and habitat they need to survive. With 60% of US land in private hands, restoring habitat is critical to saving them. We are volunteers who envision Stillwater doing its part with a quilt of native backyard habitats for birds and pollinators — where native plants, bushes, and trees are restored to support the needs of wild birds. An empty lot on Stillwater’s North Hill bordering city property and the Mulberry Ravine will be our demonstration garden site. The Mulberry Ravine Bird Station will be launched in the spring of 2025. This is the first project of Stillwater’s new nonprofit, Bird City Gardens, a 501c3 organization.

Scroll down for Bird City Gardens info

Bird City Gardens

Imagine your backyard with birds and beneficial insects … a tapestry of life. We want the process to be as simple as possible for you, so we intend to provide the tools and know-how for you to start small or big!

Bird City Gardens, a new nonprofit registered in the State of Minnesota, is grateful to have received its first funding of $2000 from the St. Paul Bird Alliance, in a partnership with Sustainable Stillwater MN.

The design for our first project, the Mulberry Ravine Bird Station, was done by Brett Stolpestad, landscape designer at the Washington County Conservation District.

To volunteer or to follow us as we build this amazing project, sign up using our Contact form above. You can also help by donating. Our goal is to raise $10,000 by the spring of 2025. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to our 501c3.

Click here for more!